Thursday 9 March 2017


Beef Rendang or Rendang Daging, done a few videos on my channel. Made this dish with rendang mix, try it to know the difference. In my cookbook, let's keep and share a recipe😊

Homestyle Chicken rendang, quick & easy all up to you there's no right or wrong.  Look for easy home cook meal this can be one of the choice and happy cooking.

Beef Rendang

Ingredients: 2 kg Beef 6 lime leaves 2 tumeric leaves 2 lemongrass 400 ml coconut milk 3 tbsp kerisek 1 tbsp palm sugar (or dark brown sugar) 2 tbsp rendang spice mix (Baba's or any brand) 1 tbsp coriander powwder 1 tsp fennel powder 1 tsp cumin powder * Spices mix: Roast & grind 1 Coriander powder 1 tbsp cumin seeds 2 tbsp fennel seeds 1 tsp black peppercorns (optional) Note: Combine with blended ingredients Blended Ingredients: 15 dried chillies or 1 tbsp chillie powder 20 shallots or 3 onions 6 garlic 5 cm ginger 4 cm galangal (lengkuas) 4 candlenuts 1 lemongrass 1 tsp belacan (shrimp paste granules) 2 tamarind slice or 1 tsp tamarind Optional Spices mix : grind /whole 3 star anise 1 cinnamon 4 cardamom 3 cloves Optional: Grind 1 tsp white peppercorns 1 tsp black peppercorns

Chicken Rendang 

Ingredients: Chicken 2 lemongrass Lime leaves Tumeric leaves 5 cm galangal (slice/ bruise) 200 ml coconut milk 2 tbsp kerisik (roasted coconut paste) 1/2 tsp tamarind or (2 dried tamarind) optional : Chicken granules 2 tbsp rendang spice mix (any brand) 2 tbsp chillie paste or 1 tbsp chillie powder Blended ingredients: 2 onions or 25 shallots 6 garlic 4 cm ginger 1 lemongrass 3 candlenuts Spices: method 1 Roast & grind 1 tbsp coriander seeds 1 tsp fennel seeds 1 tsp cumin seeds or Spices: method 2 1 tbsp coriander powder 1 tsp fennel powder 1 tsp cumin powder 1/2 tbsp palm sugar or dark brown sugar Optional: Grind / pound 1 tsp white peppercorns 1 tsp black peppercorns 3 bay leaves


  1. Thanks for your video. Do you have a written recipes for you chicken and beef rendang? Thank you.

  2. Recipes at my Youtube Channel Dapur Kota Singa in the description box and thanks for watching:)


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